the dream
The Dreamasleep in the rainby her sideon the ruined deskwords defythe day dies straightinto shuttersthe...
The Dreamasleep in the rainby her sideon the ruined deskwords defythe day dies straightinto shuttersthe...
I’m very excited to have published a poem, North Star in the Whiskey Tit Journal. The other work is...
excerpt from The Martian Princess, Volume Three of Drift The line to the elevator was as disorderly as it...
this is from Part 2 of Isle of Dogs. forthcoming And then there was the library and Baby Sips’ languid...
David Rovics, a musician, writer, and independent producer of conversations with artists, interviewed me...
A NOTE TO THE READER: Isle of Dogs is Volume Two of Drift, a multivolume saga set in a world that was...
Cara Hoffman wrote this profile of me for the Ithaca Times. Cara and I have been friends since 1999, when I...
POEM FOR DORIS APPELBAUM Doris Appelbaum went on strike.She had had enough and wouldn’t cookanother meal....