The Arrows Pointed
The arrows pointed to it My following eyes burrowed forward Past dark and light even the grey felt- Like fog...
The arrows pointed to it My following eyes burrowed forward Past dark and light even the grey felt- Like fog...
Late A beech leaf caught in the wind Flutters by and gilds the sky Twirling into Lick Brook gorge Gliding...
TATTOO I can’t endure the wait the pain to see and be seen yesterday time was a roach today a redwood tree...
Chapter one of The Martian Princesse (working title!), Part 5 of Isle of Dogs, or put another way, Volume 3...
Leaves The cardinals and goldfinches and tanagers are falling Twirling against the moon-grey scarp of sky...
Walking on ice I don’t want To slow down I don’t want to fall So I slide along Going backwards Watching...
The room the broom was in Was unswept and the lady wept Her auburn hair in the last flare Of sun tied back...
Black Candles Curtains blown like sails Brickface florid with sun Black candles all around Tongues blazing...