It Starts With 10People
This morning I awoke from my news-free weekend to hear that the Occupy Wall Street action has inspired others and that small groups are gathering across the country. The Wall Street Journal has an article that actually describes what is going on. The New York Times has confined itself to sarcasm, although on Friday there was an ‘About New York’ piece by Jim Dwyer about the use of pepper spray, and the idiotic response of the NYC police dept. I’ve added a link to a new website (which incredibly I got from the WSJ) which has links to all the other ‘Occupy’ movements, as they spring up. It is HERE. People have been asking in print, on the street, over the phone, via email, Where Is The Leftist Tea Party? It’s here, it’s everywhere. No one has any idea where this is going, but it won’t be the ballot box. These things always start with 10 people. Over the weekend they arrested 700 protestors on the Brooklyn Bridge. Abbie Hoffman famously said, “You don’t need a majority, you only need enough.” Forgive me for feeling ebulliant. There is nothing wrong with a middle aged man finding utopian glimmers in a morrass of static and fog! I hope I’m never too cynical to feel joy when people fight for liberation. Liberation IS joyous.