The Silence is Rest
I have not been posting. This is a writer’s blogh, and I’m not blogghing up a storm because I’m writing. Rather, editing. A poor excuse, I know. The fact is each night after work I go home, cook dinner, clean the kitchen and trudge up to the garret for a bout with the English Language and the mess I’ve made of it in Endangered Species. This leaves me exhausted, so posts I have wanted to write, especially on Robert F. Kennedy’s oral history, and Li Tana’s amazing book on 17th and 18th Century Southern Vietnam, will have to wait.
Endangered Species is posted here in its near entirety. I am somewhat relieved that no one appears to be reading it, unlike The Last Bender, which sustained an audience for its one year run. Endangered Species has real problems, and I am trying to mitigate them. It won’t be the same novel when I’m done. Hopefully it will be better. Hopefully I will find an agent for it. Either way I will remove the old version at some point (well, maybe not), and after this version has endured the gauntlet of capitalist art, it will return to these screens in its ‘leaner, meaner’ form. Then I will get back to work on GAHA: Babes of the Abyss, my current true love, and a plethora of posts for The Vietnam Project. Aside from Li Tana’s book I have read Edward Landsdale’s In the Midst of Wars, and Kervliet’s The Huk Rebellion. Yes, and there are others too. Which is not to say that I won’t from time to time dip my pen in the inkwell of bartholin and post.