Retards In Name Only
First off, I apologize to mentally retarded people, developmentally disabled people, mentally-challenged people, differently-abled people: you did nothing to deserve the insult of being compared to Republicans. In my mind your honor is intact, I simply note that RINO can stand for something else. It was the Glenn Beck rally that got me thinking about this. Because in the Republican Party, for every true believer (retard), there are at least two cynics and perhaps one co-dependent. A co-dependent Republican is a moderate who is deluded into think he or she can moderate the cynics and retards. And these co-dependents quickly become cynics, or they look for new work, because they are RINOs. Colin Powell is the most famous and saddest example. Snarlin’ Arlen Specter. Or Christie Todd Whitman, if anyone cares. The fact is, of course, Beck and Limbaugh and the rest of them, Cheney et al, are RINOs. I suspect even Tom Delay and Newt Gingrich are RINOs, though it’s hard to tell. A guy with 3 wives is a definite RINO, while a guy who writes alternate history books about the civil war may be a genuine retard. To listen to Newt talk about history is like listening to an intelligent 8 year old talk about history. See, Newt has read a lot of books. He just hasn’t absorbed the contents. Alone, any of these groups is dangerous, but combined, you get a total effect. You get the ultimate retardation and cynicism fed through the system by co-dependents. The result is not fascism, no. The result is whatever the fuck it is we’re living through now.
So, from now on, to save time, when Republicans talk, I will ask myself: Retard or RINO? When Michelle Bachmann, responding to claims that the recent Rally for Shame had between 78 and 98,000 attendees said, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R) of Minnesota, at her own rally held on the edges of Mr. Beck’s event, said,
“We’re not going to let anyone get away with saying there were less than a million here today because we were witnesses.â€
ask the question: Michelle Bachman, Retard or RINO? Or when a person who attacked Obama for attending the church where Jeremiah Wright preached goes on to assert that Obama is a Muslim…Retard or RINO? Which is it? Cut taxes? Greatest Health care on Earth? Weapons of mass destruction in Cuba? Obama a fascist communist? Georgia a vital US interest worth starting WW3 over? Mexicans with leprosy? Polluting trees? Ketchup a vegetable…Hillary killed Vince Foster…Reatard or RINO?